Session Epidemiology: what we know and what we don’t know
Time Presenter Topic
7:00 Registration/ Registration/Breakfast at AAO-HNSF Headquarters
7:45 Saunders/Clark Introductory Comments
8:00 Neumann Feasibility of Newborn Screening in Developing Countries
8:10 White Newborn Hearing Screening in Developing Countries
8:20 MacKenzie Deafness Prevalence in Sri Lanke / Myanmar
8:30 Melendez Hearing Loss in Central America
8:40 Eavey Epidemiology of Childhood/Adolescent Hearing Loss in the US – plus surveillance data
8:50 Smith Conducting a National Survey: How and Why
9:00 Panel Discussion Moderator: White
9:30 Break
Session Technology: Harness what we have, get ready for what’s next
9:50 Greco Are Affordable Hearing Aids Possible in Developing Countries
10:00 Castellanos Model System for Optimizing Resources and Donations of Hearing Aids
10:10 Buckey Technology for Field Testing
10:20 Koekemoer TeleAudiology and Telemedicine is Here
10:40 Saunders Cochlear Implantation in Developing Countries
10:50 B. Wilson Low Cost Cochlear Implants
11:00 Sorkin Practical and Effective Approaches for Providing (Re)Habilitation with Technology
11:10 Panel Discussion Moderator: Saunders
11:40 Lunch —   Open discussion
Session Local support and Sustainability
12:30 Weinstein Social Entrepreneurship and Hearing Devices
12:40 Caccamo Tackling Healthcare Problems Through a Social Business Model
12:50 Carkeet Starting with the end in mind – building a hearing rehabilitation program that will last
1:00 Chidziva Towards comprehensive ear care in Zimbabwe and the SADC region.
1:10 Olusanya Understanding Parental Perception to Childhood Hearing Loss in the Developing World
1:20 Blaustein Earth Institute Model of Sustainability: Millennium Villages
1:30 Travers Habilitation, Empowerment, professional development
1:40 Panel Discussion Moderator: Travers
2:20 Break
Session Strategies, Ethics and Social Awareness
2:40 Tucci Global Priorities for Hearing Loss
2:50 Feng Dinxiang China hearing health situation and action plan
3:00 Browne Successfully Navigating Social and Healthcare Potholes
3:10 A. Wilson Sustainable Humanitarian Health Work with People in Resource-Poor Countries: Social/Cultural Considerations
3:20 Agarwal Sound Hearing 2030: Principles and Implementation
3:30 Grant Preventing Deafness Through Vaccination Programs
3:40 Clark Ethics of Humanitarian Hearing Healthcare
3:50 Panel Discussion Moderator: Clark
4:30 Clark/Saunders Concluding Comments / Adjourn
The Sound of Hope: Making Hearing Matter in the Developing World
6:30 Reception Wine and Cheese
7:00 Clark Welcome and Introductions
7:10 Smith WHO Programs to Combat Hearing Loss
7:40 Olusanya Childhood Hearing Loss and Global Health: Perspective from the Developing World
8:10 Saunders Hearts of Hope Video/Concluding Remarks